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Certification d'entraîneur certifié en nutrition (NASM-CNC)

Aidez vos clients à créer des habitudes alimentaires durables pour une santé et un bien-être optimaux.

Devenez un coach nutritionnel certifié NASM

Le NASM Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) est votre solution éducative pour guider les clients vers des choix nutritionnels optimaux pour des résultats liés à la santé et au bien-être. Le cours vous arme d'une science de la nutrition étayée par des preuves qui a été évaluée par des pairs par plusieurs experts de l'industrie. Il vous apprend également à utiliser des stratégies de changement de comportement et de coaching avec vos clients pour développer une perte de poids durable et des habitudes alimentaires saines.

À l'issue de ce cours, vous serez en mesure de :

  • Évaluer les besoins nutritionnels des clients sur la base de la science nutritionnelle étayée par des preuves et évaluée par des pairs.

  • Employez des stratégies de changement de comportement lors des conversations avec les clients sur la santé, la forme physique et le bien-être.

  • Accompagnez les clients sur la navigation dans divers choix nutritionnels en fonction de leurs besoins, objectifs, mode de vie et préférences alimentaires.

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749 $


Faits saillants du cours :

  • 1.9 CEU NASM (approuvé CEU)

  • Rédigé et révisé par 20 experts de premier plan

  • Apprenez sur n'importe quel appareil (smartphone, tablette, ordinateur)

  • Plateforme d'apprentissage numérique :

  • 24 chapitres approfondis

  • Examen pratique complet

  • PDF téléchargeable du manuel

  • Accès illimité pendant cinq ans au contenu en ligne

  • Date d'expiration de l'examen d'un an

Notre programme de coaching certifié en nutrition

Section 1: Nutritional Science Chapter 1: Introduction Learn about the role of a Nutrition Coach and how the NASM Nutrition Certification can help enhance your career. Chapter 2: Scope of Practice Understand a Nutrition Coach's scope of practice, professional expectations, and differentiate among related nutrition professions. Chapter 3: Evidence-Based Nutrition and Practice In this chapter, you'll learn the importance of evidence-based practice as a nutrition specialist, the difference between basic scientific principles and methodology, and how to define scientific research processes. Chapter 4: Food Preference and Influences Understand the effects of nutritional intake on individual health, identify the role of dietary habits in overall health, and describe factors that influence dietary patterns. You'll also be able to recognize the dangers of a one-diet-fits-all approach and identify how different factors can influence eating patterns. Chapter 5: Energy Balance and Metabolism This chapter explores how macronutrients fuel activity and bodily functions, as well as how to balance the energy in versus energy out equation. You'll understand the First Law of Thermodynamics, energy balance, and energy systems. Chapter 6: Protein Protein is an important macronutrient that many bodily functions depend on. Learn the structure and function of protein, total daily protein requirements, and methods for establishing protein requirements in a dietary program. Chapter 7: Carbohydrates Carbohydrates provide energy for the body. Understand their structure and function, the digestion and absorption process, daily carbohydrate requirements, and more. Chapter 8: Fats Dietary fat has many important functions. In this chapter, you'll learn about the function and intake recommendations, healthy versus unhealthy fats, as well as key myths and hot topics related to fat. Chapter 9: Alcohol This chapter explains the digestion and absorption process of alcohol, as well as the physiological effects and methods for accommodating alcohol in a dietary program. Chapter 10: Micronutrients Micronutrients help maintain the metabolic processes required to produce energy. Understand the difference between water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, and minerals, identify common food sources, and learn to calculate daily recommended intakes and the values for each micronutrient. Chapter 11: Hydration In this chapter, you'll learn the compartmental aspects and shifts of water in the body following significant sweat losses. You'll also discover methods to help decrease excessive hypo- or hyper-hydration and learn about proper hydration strategies. Chapter 12: Nutrient Timing Discover appropriate nutrient-timing strategies for performance and for altering body composition, as well as the role that nutrient timing plays within an overall nutrition strategy. Chapter 13: Supplements Understand the role of supplementation across various goals, explain the strength of the evidence base for commonly used supplements, and learn to communicate with clients about the pros and cons of supplementation. Section 2: Behavior Change Strategies Chapter 14: Psychology of Weight Control and Behavior Change In this chapter, you'll learn how psychology affects fitness and wellness. Identify barriers to diet and exercise, common eating disorders, and common client types used to develop customized programs. Chapter 15: Coaching and Communication It's important for Personal Nutrition Coaches to communicate in a way that positively influences adherence to their programs. You'll identify strategies for building rapport and use effective communication skills to elicit behavior change. Chapter 16: Motivational Interviewing This chapter explains motivational interviewing and strategies that are used to help clients understand the underlying reasons for their own change while affirming their motivation. Chapter 17: Goal Setting Understand different types of goals, the benefits of effective goal-setting, methods for providing feedback and tracking progress, and identify obstacles commonly encountered when setting goals. Section 3: Nutrition Coaching Chapter 18: Dietary Assessment and Body Composition Testing In this chapter, you'll discover a step-by-step approach to assessing dietary intake and monitoring body composition. You'll compare body-composition assessment methods and understand the importance of consistency and accessibility. Chapter 19: Food and Supplement Labels and Portion Size Learn about the labeling standards for food and supplement products, as well as portion size recommendations. Chapter 20: Helping Clients Navigate the Real World This chapter explains strategies that can help clients make healthy food choices in everyday situations, such as at the grocery store or dining out. Chapter 21: Navigating Diets Learn the latest facts regarding diets and how they impact health, body composition, and athletic performance. This chapter explores many different diets and provides details regarding their safety and effectiveness. Chapter 22: Nutrition Hot Topics and Controversies An in-depth approach to explaining the science behind many of the nutrition hot topics and controversies faced by clients today. Chapter 23: Managing Weight-Loss Plateaus and Maintaining Weight Loss This chapter examines the science and psychology of weight-loss plateaus and how to help clients avoid this vicious cycle. Chapter 24: Programming - Putting it All Together Nutrition Coaches must have a foundational level of knowledge regarding nutritional science and behavior psychology. However, knowledge without action is virtually useless, especially when helping clients achieve their health-and-wellness goals. This chapter puts all of this knowledge into practice and details a step-by-step process for nutrition programming.

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Pourquoi devenir NASM-CNC ?

Fort de 40 ans d'expérience, NASM peut vous aider à atteindre un tout nouveau niveau de clients, de revenus et de connaissances avec le programme de nutrition le plus recherché de l'industrie.

  • Personnalisez un rythme d'apprentissage et cultivez une expérience d'apprentissage efficace et agréable en utilisant la plate-forme d'apprentissage numérique de pointe de NASM.

  • Guidez les clients à travers des solutions nutritionnelles qui traitent des problèmes du monde réel tels que la lecture des étiquettes des aliments et l'évaluation de la taille des portions.

  • Créez des programmes d'intervention nutritionnelle qui s'alignent sur les besoins et les objectifs spécifiques des clients, tels que le calcul des besoins en apport calorique des clients et des ratios de macronutriments.

  • Appliquer une approche de coaching nutritionnel systématique pour une variété de scénarios de cas de clients.

  • Tirez parti des stratégies de changement de comportement pour des résultats durables en matière de santé, de bien-être et de perte de poids.

  • Décrivez les sujets d'actualité en matière de nutrition et les options de régime telles que les régimes OGM, sans gluten, paléo et céto.

  • Devenez un expert de confiance avec une augmentation de la clientèle et des revenus.

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