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Certification d'entraîneur certifié en nutrition (NASM-CNC)

Aidez vos clients à créer des habitudes alimentaires durables pour une santé et un bien-être optimaux.

Devenez un coach nutritionnel certifié NASM

Le NASM Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) est votre solution éducative pour guider les clients vers des choix nutritionnels optimaux pour des résultats liés à la santé et au bien-être. Le cours vous arme d'une science de la nutrition étayée par des preuves qui a été évaluée par des pairs par plusieurs experts de l'industrie. Il vous apprend également à utiliser des stratégies de changement de comportement et de coaching avec vos clients pour développer une perte de poids durable et des habitudes alimentaires saines.

À l'issue de ce cours, vous serez en mesure de :

  • Évaluer les besoins nutritionnels des clients sur la base de la science nutritionnelle étayée par des preuves et évaluée par des pairs.

  • Employez des stratégies de changement de comportement lors des conversations avec les clients sur la santé, la forme physique et le bien-être.

  • Accompagnez les clients sur la navigation dans divers choix nutritionnels en fonction de leurs besoins, objectifs, mode de vie et préférences alimentaires.

150 $/mois
5 Paiements
0 % d'intérêt


749 $


Faits saillants du cours :

  • 1.9 CEU NASM (approuvé CEU)

  • Rédigé et révisé par 20 experts de premier plan

  • Apprenez sur n'importe quel appareil (smartphone, tablette, ordinateur)

  • Plateforme d'apprentissage numérique :

  • 24 chapitres approfondis

  • Examen pratique complet

  • PDF téléchargeable du manuel

  • Accès illimité pendant cinq ans au contenu en ligne

  • Date d'expiration de l'examen d'un an

Pourquoi devenir NASM-CNC ?

  • Personnalisez un rythme d'apprentissage et cultivez une expérience d'apprentissage efficace et agréable en utilisant la plate-forme d'apprentissage numérique de pointe de NASM.

  • Guidez les clients à travers des solutions nutritionnelles qui traitent des problèmes du monde réel tels que la lecture des étiquettes des aliments et l'évaluation de la taille des portions.

  • Créez des programmes d'intervention nutritionnelle qui s'alignent sur les besoins et les objectifs spécifiques des clients, tels que le calcul des besoins en apport calorique des clients et des ratios de macronutriments.

  • Appliquer une approche de coaching nutritionnel systématique pour une variété de scénarios de cas de clients.

  • Tirez parti des stratégies de changement de comportement pour des résultats durables en matière de santé, de bien-être et de perte de poids.

  • Décrivez les sujets d'actualité en matière de nutrition et les options de régime telles que les régimes OGM, sans gluten, paléo et céto.

  • Devenez un expert de confiance avec une augmentation de la clientèle et des revenus.

Notre programme de coaching certifié en nutrition

Prerequisites There are no prerequisites for this course. Although the course is primarily intended for personal trainers, fitness coaches, nutrition coaches and other fitness/health professionals, there is no requirement that you be one to take the course. Section 1: Introduction to the NASM Weight Loss Specialist Chapter 1: Introduction Review the course structure, program objectives, and meet the client personas that will be used as case studies throughout the course Chapter 2: Scope of Practice This chapter provides an overview of the landscape of healthcare and describes where a Weight Loss Specialist fits into the healthcare continuum. Develop an understanding of how to best serve your clients while ensuring you follow best practices. 5 Infographics 3 Videos 3 Printable Handouts Section 2: The Obesity Epidemic Chapter 3: The State of Obesity Understand the scope of obesity and how it impacts society and ultimately clients. Learn the primary reasons for obesity and how clients may become obese. These insights are important for understanding clients at a fundamental level and how key drivers of obesity can be addressed by a Weight Loss Specialist. Chapter 4: The Physiology of Obesity Learn what changes occur in the body due to obesity and how that can affect the health and physical properties of the body, including the organ systems, hormones, metabolism, and neurobiology. All of these aspects can affect the way people with obesity respond to exercise. Chapter 5: Psychosocial and Obesity This chapter will discuss three critical domains of the psychosocial components of obesity: mental health, social influences, and eating disorders. Learn about self-esteem and body image, and how to empathize with your clients over these aspects of mental health. Social influences and social determinants of obesity will be explored in depth and potential solutions to addressing these issues will be provided. 18 Infographics 3 Videos Section 3: The Science of Weight Loss Chapter 6: Metabolism Understand the metabolism and how it relates to obesity, including energy balance and energy needs as well as the role of environment and genetics. Learn about the primary theories of what causes obesity from a metabolic standpoint and how a Weight Loss Specialist can operationalize those theories in practice and provide solutions to clients who have difficulty losing weight. Chapter 7: Nutrition and Supplementation Understand nutrition, supplementation, and dieting as it relates to obesity. Popular dietary schemes and archetypes have been used to address obesity for decades. Review these diets in detail as well as their efficacy and utility. Chapter 8: The Impact of Exercise on Weight Loss Exercise is most commonly thought of as one of the critical components to weight loss; however, exactly how it affects weight loss is often misunderstood. This chapter will provide an in-depth review of how exercise affects weight loss from a calorie expenditure perspective, a metabolic perspective, a health perspective, and the effects of exercise on mental health. Chapter 9: Psychology of Weight Loss The psychological effects of weight loss are as important as the physiological ones. This chapter will review five key components of the psychology of weight loss: coping, dieting, will power, adherence, and ambivalence. 36 Infographics 4 Videos 5 Printable Handouts Section 4: Client Assessments Chapter 10: The Client Intake Process A critical component to achieving success as a Weight Loss Specialist is developing a clear, consistent, and thorough intake process. Individuals who require weight loss have specific needs when it comes to assessment. This chapter will review the fundamental components of developing a proper intake process and will provide a set of robust tools for Weight Loss Specialists to use. Chapter 11: Conducting Fitness Assessments Understanding the readiness and fitness of a client is imperative for Weight Loss Specialists. These assessments and tests (like calculating calories for goal weights) help the Weight Loss Specialist understand the current state of a client and determine where the appropriate starting point is using a thoughtful, systematic approach. 7 Infographics 4 Videos 15 Printable Handouts Section 5: The Weight Loss Coaching Process Chapter 12: Nutrition Coaching Strategies for Weight Loss Learn how to create a weight loss program, how to use strategies to increase adherence to the plan, and how to apply various assessment tools to make modifications during the plan to ensure ongoing success for the client. Learn about behavior change models that have been shown in research to be effective. Chapter 13: Fitness Coaching Strategies for Weight Loss Understand how exercise for the individual client differs, how intensity can affect overall energy expenditure via the constrained energy model, and the role of NEAT in the context of fitness coaching and weight loss. Chapter 14: Integrating Nutrition and Fitness with the Weight Loss Client Nutrition and fitness coaching are often part of an integrated plan. This chapter will utilize client personas to help you learn how to integrate the nutrition and fitness plans developed for a client. This chapter will provide a straightforward, defined process for how to set up, implement, and evaluate an integrated program for a client. Chapter 15: Weight Maintenance and Sustainability Sustainability and setting clients up for long term success is one of the most important aspects for a Weight Loss Specialist to consider. This chapter will review key aspects of how to ensure clients have sustainable results. 11 Infographics 6 Videos 4 Printable Handouts Final Exam After the completion of the course, you will take an online final exam from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you prefer to take tests, that consists of 100 questions. Each question will be multiple-choice. The exam is timed and cannot exceed 90 minutes. To pass, you need a score of 70% or higher. Don’t fret though, if you score below that, you have up to 3 attempts to pass.

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